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Upcoming Events:


Ash Wednesday - March 5

Ash Wednesday Worship is held each year to mark the worshipful beginning of the season of Lent.


Maundy Thursday - April 17

Maundy Thursday Communion Service recalls the events of Holy Week leading up to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of our Lord.


Good Friday - April 18

Good Friday Tenebrae Service marks the crucifixion and burial of Jesus. It is a moving and deeply meaningful service of remembrance and hope, that features the dimming of lights and special music presentations by our choirs.


Easter Sunday - April 20

On Easter Sunday, Plymouth celebrates the promise of eternal life with a Sunrise Service at 7:30 am, and a Festival Worship and Communion Service at 10:00 am


Heritage Sunday - September 21

Heritage Sunday is a yearly celebration of the history and traditions of Plymouth Church, as expressed through the people who have shared in those years of worship, learning, service, mission, and fellowship. Held in September on the Sunday nearest to Plymouth’s anniversary, September 20, Heritage Sunday recognizes 50-year members, and our 60-, 70-, 75-, and 80-year members.


All Saints Day - November 2

All Saints Day, on the Sunday closest to November 1, is a day of reflection and in memoriam for those who have died during the previous year.


​Luminous Night Service - December 3

Luminous Night Service of Lament and Promise, on the first Wednesday of December, is a worship experience that allows us to express the sadness, grief, anger, and disillusionment that, for many, accompany our cultural observance of Christmas. We highlight the promises of hope, joy, peace, and love that are themes of Christ’s birth.


Christmas Eve Services - December 24, 4:00 pm and 10:00 pm

Plymouth hosts two Christmas Eve Services on December 24 at 4:00 pm  and 10:00 pm in the sanctuary. The early service includes communion and the late service includes caroling. The 4:00 pm is a child-friendly service.


Past Events:


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration Service

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Service is held each January on the Sunday before Martin Luther King Day, marking the birthday and celebrating the legacy of Dr. King and his work in the Civil Rights movement in our nation.





501 W. Berry St.,

Fort Wayne, IN, 46802


Worship services are every Sunday at 10:00 am, in-person and via livestream.
Sign language services are offered.

Call our office for more information!


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©2020 by Foggy Creek Promotions. Plymouth Congregational Church of Fort Wayne. 

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