Our Whole Lives:
Comprehensive sex education for all ages
Plymouth Church is happy to host a training workshop for adults interested in teaching Our Whole Lives to students in grades 7-9 and 10-12.
Our Whole Lives is a comprehensive sexuality education program for all ages. The program values self worth, responsibility, justice and inclusivity, while teaching accurate and complete information about sexual health and relationships. Developed by the United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Universalists, the curriculum can be used in religious or secular settings. For more information about the program, please click here. https://www.uua.org/re/owl
During your training expect to actively participate in exercises from the curriculum, learn about best practices in teaching sexuality with youth, and team teach a sample lesson from the curriculum. The training sessions are scheduled as follows:
Friday, March 7 - 1-6pm
Saturday, March 8 - 8:30am-6pm
Sunday, March 9 - 8:30am - 2pm
Your registration fee of $350 includes meals (lunch and dinner Friday, three meals Saturday, breakfast and lunch Sunday) and snacks. If traveling, you are responsible for providing your own lodging. Many churches and community organizations are able to financially support this training. Limited scholarship funds are available as well.
All participants must bring their own copy of the Our Whole Lives Curriculum for grades 7-9 OR 10-12. The curriculum is available through the UCC or UU bookstores. Please order early to allow time for shipping.
To register for this training click here.
Registration deadline is February 14.
If paying by check, please make the check out to Plymouth UCC, and send to:
Plymouth Church UCC
Our Whole Lives Training
501 W Berry St
Fort Wayne, IN 46802